Mary Vogrinc shares wisdom from her journey in faith as a wife to her husband Brian, mother of five sons, and foster mother of 54 children through the years. With humor and insight, she relates heartwarming personal stories that testify to Gods continual presence in the details and challenges of daily life and that like our Blessed Mother, we can trust Him completely.
Mary Vogrinc
Reviews (17)
Mary's stories were real life examples that inspired
Mary's stories were real life examples that inspired. She showed how her and her husband sacrificed and followed the Lord. She left you feeling well fed. I would love to hear more from this speaker.
Mary Vogrinc brought real life relevancy
Mary Vogrinc brought real life relevancy to the challenges of living a faith filled life as a mother. The experiences she shared being a foster parent provided touching, humbling lessons from her life that were very inspiring.
I loved the humor that she brought to her talk
I loved the humor that she brought to her talk. There should be more CD with her lectures.
Lighthouse Talks
Saying Yes To God: One Mothers Journey (MP3)
- Heartwarming stories that testify to God's continual presence in the details and challenges of daily life
- One woman's wisdom from her journey in faith as a wife and foster mother over many years
- Mary Vogrinc is a Catholic Lay Evangelist who uses scripture, humor, and heartwarming testimonies to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.