
In anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the encyclical Humanae Vitae, Archbishop Aquila explains how Blessed Pope Paul VI’s teaching still serves as a great light amidst a world that is deeply confused about sexual intimacy. He provides valuable insights about how God imbued our sexuality with truths that are reflective of his own divine love. He challenges Catholics to share the liberating truth of God’s plan for sex within marriage and witness this reality as the way of lasting happiness.

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  • God's Plan for Love: Humanae Vitae, Sex, and Authentic Freedom

    Verified User Sep 23rd 2021

    Verified User Sep 23rd 2021

  • So whose voice will you listen to? Hear this talk and decide for yourself!

    Alexander Wolke Jun 27th 2018

    So whose voice will you listen to? Hear this talk and decide for yourself!

    Alexander Wolke Jun 27th 2018

  • This talk made me realize that we are all to be witnessing an example of God's Plan for Love

    Alexander Wolke Jun 27th 2018

    This talk made me realize that we are all to be witnessing an example of God's Plan for Love

    Alexander Wolke Jun 27th 2018

God's Plan for Love: Humanae Vitae, Sex, and Authentic Freedom (MP3)

  • Discover how God imbued our sexuality with truths that are reflective of his own divine love
  • A talk for the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae
  • Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila was named the archbishop for the Archdiocese of Denver on May 29, 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI.

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