Philosophy: What Every Catholic Should Know
Just what is philosophy? Is there objective truth? Is self-knowledge possible? What is being? What is man’s relation to nature? Is it possible for human reason to know God? If there is a God, why is there evil? What is happiness and how can we achieve it? If you’ve ever wondered about the answers to any of these questions, this is the book for you! These and dozens of other crucial questions are asked and answered in this easy-to-read book by one of the best-known philosophers alive today. Every Catholic should own one book on philosophy. This is it.
“The need for this book is perennial, but it is especially acute today, when both faith and reason are on life support in our culture, which is increasingly hostile to both, or at least to the classical or traditional forms of both….In this culture it is essential that Catholics and other Christians know the intellectual weapons and strategies of the enemies of religious faith and the defensive and offensive intellectual weapons that defeat them. Philosophical arguments are needed. They are weapons in the intellectual dimension of spiritual warfare, a warfare which is just as real and just as much a matter of life or death as physical warfare.”
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Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at Boston College. He loves his five grandchildren, four children, one wife, one cat, and one God. He has written over 100 books including: Because God is Real, Handbook of Catholic Apologetics, Christianity for Modern Pagans, and Fundamentals of the Faith.
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Ignatius Press | Augustine Institute
Philosophy: What Every Catholic Should Know (Hardcover)
- Click here to preview
- Guide to Catholic philosophical questions.
- Dozens of crucial questions are asked and answered.
- 200 pages.