
Dr. Scott Hahn explains through his legendary testimony how he was militantly anti-Catholic but self-driven to seek the truth.

This ultimately led him into the Catholic Church. He soon became an ardent defender of the Faith and one of its most passionate promoters. Listen to his journey in the best-selling Lighthouse Talk.


Dr. Scott Hahn

Reviews (36)

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  • Why a Protestant Pastor Became Catholic

    Verified User Sep 23rd 2021

    Verified User Sep 23rd 2021

  • Learning to Defend My Faith

    Kathy Apr 23rd 2020

    I have so many of Scott Hahn's materials, and I have learned so much about the whys of being Catholic. I had never heard he term Cradle Catholic before, but he is absolutely right. A lot of us don't know why we believe...just because. That isn't enough when it comes to facing a protestant who has questions. Thank you, Dr. Hahn.

    Kathy Apr 23rd 2020

  • Scott is an inspired speaker, amazingly engaging, and very well versed in the subject matter

    Verified User Nov 18th 2014

    Scott is an inspired speaker, amazingly engaging, and very well versed in the subject matter.

    Verified User Nov 18th 2014

  • Dr Hahn is a good speaker

    Verified User Aug 20th 2014

    Dr Hahn is a good speaker and I found his conversion story very interesting as I'm a recent convert.

    Verified User Aug 20th 2014

Why a Protestant Pastor Became Catholic (CD)

  • A moving conversion story of a protestant into a Catholic
  • Be inspired by the Truth of the Catholic Church
  • An exceptionally popular speaker and teacher, Dr. Hahn has delivered numerous talks nationally and internationally on a wide variety of topics related to Scripture and the Catholic faith.
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