The Good News of Jesus Christ is known as the kerygma, based on the Greek word kerysso, meaning “to herald” or “to proclaim”. It is the core message of Christ that each of the Apostles, the original heralds of the Gospel, proclaimed to the world. It is Christ's answer to his own penetrating question, “What do you seek?”
This is why the Catholic Church emphasizes the importance of what it calls the “First Proclamation”: the core Gospel of God's love and the person and mission of Jesus Christ, which ideally we surrender ourselves to, so that a more in-depth, systematic presentation of the Faith can take deeper root in our soul.
Unfortunately, many Catholics today might know facts about Jesus and the Gospel, but they do not know him and this story of his love in a way that shapes their entire lives. How about you? In What Do You Seek?, Scripture scholar Dr. Edward Sri helps us enter more deeply into the Gospel, to ponder the mysteries of God's love for us and his work of salvation, so that we can be transformed, and join in Christ's work of saving the world.
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“Edward Sri identifies the core of what it means to be Catholic—the core of our witness and our daily living. I don't know of a better guidebook to keep us focused on what's central to the Gospel—the kerygma—and not peripheral. It will be especially useful when dealing with non-Christian friends and family members.”
—Scott Hahn, Author, Rome Sweet Home
“A great resource for anyone longer to discover Jesus and grow in a personal relationship with him. In addition to helping us grow in personal holiness, it also enbles Catholics and other Christians, in a very practical way, to take that love of the Lord and fulfill the Great Commission.”
—Teresa Tomeo, Host, Catholic Connection; Author, Extreme Makeover
“Dr. Sri knows what he's talking about, and he knows who he's talking to. He's one of the very best at taking his expert knowledge of the Scriptures and articulating it in a way that is both accessible and inspiring to a broad range of readers. Another prime example of one of the best doing what he does best.”
—Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, C.F.R., Author, Habits for Holiness
“Dr. Sri has captured a succinct unfolding of the kerygma, one step at a time. It will be a great companion to someone going through the steps of conversion, as well as to many others reflecting back on their own journeys. It helps us understand and more fully respond to the invitation Jesus has for us to be his disciples.”
—Jim Beckman, Executive Director, ImpactCenter
“I love this book! In an age when it is tempting to evangelize with dogmatic truths alone, Ed Sri reminds us that conversion is an encounter with the person of Jesus Christ. It is buttressed in chapters that provide real, incisive questions about how we come to know Jesus and grow in our relationship with him.”
—Kelsey Wicks Reinhardt, Executive Director, The ACI Group
“What Do You Seek?, a work of kerygmatic proclamation, sets Christ forward in all the stark splendor of his coming in the flesh, and it does so beautifully. Its gentle blend of good sense, helpful imagery, and palpable faith bring the reader into living contact with the God whom it tells forth on every page.”
—Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P., Dominican House of Studies
“Where do new—or potentially new—converts go to learn about Christianity? Thanks to Ted Sri's years of experience and teaching, we finally have a guide for beginners and those seeking to delve deeper into the heart of the Christian message. This is my new go-to book to give others so that they may come to understand and share the good news of Jesus Christ!”
—Dr. Tim Gray, President, Augustine Institute
Edward Sri is a theologian, author, and presenter of several faith formation programs used by thousands of parishes around the world, and he is the host of the weekly podcast All Things Catholic. With Curtis Martin, he is a co-founder of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) and currently serves as the organizations senior vice president of Apostolic Outreach. His newst book is When You Pray: Trust, Surrender, and the Transforamtion of Your Soul. You can learn more about Dr. Sri's work at edwardsri.com.
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Ignatius Press | Augustine Institute
What Do You Seek? Encountering the Heart of the Gospel
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- “What do you seek?”
- Unfortunately, many Catholics today might know facts about Jesus and the Gospel, but they do not know him and this story of his love in a way that shapes their entire lives.
- Dr. Edward Sri helps us enter more deeply into the Gospel, to ponder the mysteries of God’s love for us and his work of salvation.