El P. Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros Gómez Haro, es un sacerdote nacido en Puebla, México. El P. Ángel ha impartido más de 2000 conferencias sobre matrimonio, valores familiares y espiritualidad por todo el mundo. Sus charlas en internet tienen millones de visitas y se ha convertido en uno de los conferencistas católicos de habla hispana más popular. Con sentido del humor y aplicando su vasta experiencia, nos ilumina sobre las raíces de los problemas matrimoniales y ofrece soluciones prácticas.
English Translation: Defend Love
Fr. Ángel Espinosa is a priest born in Puebla, México. Fr. Ángel has spoken at more than 2,000 conferences about marriage, family values, and spirituality. His internet talks have thousands of hits and he has become one of the most popular hispanic Catholic speakers. Applying his vast experience, and with a sense of humor, he sheds light on the roots of marital problems and offers practical solutions. This talk is only available in Spanish.
English Translation: Defend Love
Fr. Ángel Espinosa is a priest born in Puebla, México. Fr. Ángel has spoken at more than 2,000 conferences about marriage, family values, and spirituality. His internet talks have thousands of hits and he has become one of the most popular hispanic Catholic speakers. Applying his vast experience, and with a sense of humor, he sheds light on the roots of marital problems and offers practical solutions. This talk is only available in Spanish.
Padre Angel Espinosa de los Monteros