
Dr. Scott Hahn takes us through the awesome grandeur of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, from the entrance song to the dismissal. With great clarity, he takes us through a basic outline of the structure of the Mass, explaining how the Sacred Liturgy transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary and the earthly into the heavenly. A must-have for every Catholic and non-Catholic who wants to know what the Mass is all about.


Dr. Scott Hahn

Reviews (16)

4.9 out of 5
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  • How to Get the Most Out of Mass

    Verified User Sep 23rd 2021

    Verified User Sep 23rd 2021

  • It helped me to understand more what' happening during the Mass

    Verified User May 29th 2018

    It helped me to understand more what' happening during the Mass, where certain parts come from, why we practice them and how fortunate I am to be Catholic. I'll be better able to explain the Mass to all faiths, like fallen away Catholics. Thank you Scott Hahn.

    Verified User May 29th 2018

  • I most enjoyed learning about the Eucharist and the truth inspires me to want to go to daily mass!

    Verified User May 29th 2018

    I most enjoyed learning about the Eucharist and the truth inspires me to want to go to daily mass! I will be sending this CD to a friend! :)

    Verified User May 29th 2018

  • Can I give the talk a rating of a 20

    Verified User May 29th 2018

    Can I give the talk a rating of a 20????? I wish I could share the truth of the faith like Dr Hahn. He has inspired me to read and study more so I can prepare myself to evagnlize effectively. I am far from doing so effectively but I know I can do it. Praise God for the knowledge of Dr Hahn and praise God for the truth of the catholic faith.

    Verified User May 29th 2018

How to Get the Most Out of Mass (CD)

  • Discover the meaning and tradition of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
  • A must have for every Catholic and non-Catholic who wants to learn about the Mass
  • An exceptionally popular speaker and teacher, Dr. Hahn has delivered numerous talks nationally and internationally on a wide variety of topics related to Scripture and the Catholic faith.
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  • Buy 25 - 99 and pay only $2.65 each
  • Buy 100 - 499 and pay only $2.45 each
  • Buy 500 or above and pay only $2.25 each

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