Pope John Paul II's papacy is marked by the ways he engaged with and was loved by the youth. Scores of young people were drawn to him from around the world by a magnetism that continues even today, in his sainthood. In his letter to the youth of the world, John Paul offers young people his encouragement to respond to Jesus' call to follow Him during this unique and critically important time of life. To them he writes: “In you there is hope, for you belong to the future, just as the future belongs to you.”
Bonus: The CD also includes access to the talk via download. Printed on the disc are directions to access download.
St. John Paul II
Review (1)
Lighthouse Talks
Letter to the Youth by Pope John Paul II (CD)
- St. John Paul II's call to the youth to follow Christ at this unique and important age
- Narrated by Christopher O. Blum
- Dr. Christopher Blum is the Director of the Master of Science in Ecclesial Administration and Management at the Catholic University of America.