Amazing story of faithfulness in the face of evil. Inspiring Christian witness in the worst of circumstances.
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In this Lighthouse Talk, she shares her incredible experiences of Divine Providence during the infamous Nazi persecution at Auschwitz and on the Russian battlefront. Anne Marie explains how her love for Christ grew through her astounding trials, and how she was led to see the hand of God working in them all.
Anne Marie Schmidt
Amazing story of faithfulness in the face of evil. Inspiring Christian witness in the worst of circumstances.
I came to know the talk on this CD through a neighbouring parish priest. It is so moving how Jesus's commandment to love one another such as he loves us, cited in the very beginning, is turned into true life throughout the whole series of these unimaginable and atrocious situations. Being a parish priest myself in the South East part of Germany near the Czech Republic, I am wondering if anybody knew the name of the village or town where the first massacre reported in the talk took place.
Warning: I broke down and cried about 3 times during this talk. Never have I heard such a moving account of suffering, forgiveness and redemption.