
In a recent Pew survey, two-thirds of Catholics reported that they did not know or believe in the Church's teaching on the Eucharist. Diving into the writings of early doctors and fathers of the Church, and drawing upon his own experience as a scholar of history, practicing Catholic, and former Protestant, Dr. John Sehorn addresses the “mind-boggling” and difficult truth of Jesus' presence in the Blessed Sacrament. It is a truth that confronts us, challenges us, and is one of the greatest gifts that we will ever receive.

Review (1)

  • Eucharistic Vision: A Challenge of Faith

    Verified User Sep 23rd 2021

    Verified User Sep 23rd 2021

Eucharistic Vision: A Challenge of Faith (MP3)

  • 2/3 of Catholics reported in not knowing/believing in the Eucharist
  • Dive into the teachings and biblical roots of this incredible Sacrament
  • Dr. Sehorn is a Professor at the Augustine Institute
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